Wayne Fischer
Wayne works alongside his brother at Fischer Excavating Stone & Materials. “I can remember when I was a young boy in grade school, standing up in front of the church reading from the Bible, pretending that I was preaching to the congregation at times when my mom was cleaning the church, preparing for YF or play practice. As I grew older, I believe God put different people in my path to inspire me to share the message of Jesus Christ with others.”

Chip Sohl
“I am honored to serve along with my wife, Shannon, as one of the pastors at ZCC. My favorite scripture is Matthew 5:16 ‘Let your light so shine before men so they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in Heaven.’ I believe one of the many purposes of the church is to assemble together and do just that. ‘Let our lights shine by loving God and loving others.’ A few things I enjoy so much about Zion Community Church are the hearts our members have for serving community, showing hospitality and serving others.

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In Loving Memory of
Ed Curry
Ed was a beloved Pastor and close friend to all of us at Zion Community Church. His life was a light unto Pearl City, surrounding areas and everyone he came in contact with. In our hearts, Ed left this world way too soon to be with our Lord and Savior, but his spirit of love, compassion, humility and serving will be forever alive in our church body.